Castle Ink is Green Certified!
Castle Ink has been certified by the Green America's Green Business Network as an environmentally and socially responsible business. We have reached the Gold tier by adopting principles and practices that demonstrate a strong commitment to conserving the environment and supporting social justice.
The Green America's Green Business Network has recognized our contribution to creating and growing a green economy by supporting the needs of our customers, workers, the environment, and the community.
Why the Green People Seal of Approval is Important
Consumers can purchase our products with confidence that they are truly green, holistic, eco-friendly, and sustainable. Castle Ink distributes, wholesales and retails green products, and our products have undergone an extensive Green Assessment. As a result of passing the assessment Castle Ink has receive a Green People Seal of Approval, a sign to potential customers that they can purchase Castle Ink's products with confidence in their quality and value.